PeopleGene Shev
I am a zooarchaeologist and stable isotope specialist that examines human-animal interactions in the past. In December 2022, I obtained a PhD in Archaeology from Leiden University in the Netherlands which was funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO). My doctoral research involved zooarchaeological and isotopic analyses of animal remains found at precolumbian sites in the Dominican Republic and Jamaica. The aims of this project were to examine the effects of indigenous agricultural practices on the diets of synanthropic animals, and to investigate whether certain animals were being actively managed by indigenous peoples prior to the arrival of Europeans in the region. Subsequently, I worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV) where I continued my zooarchaeological and isotopic investigations of sites in the Dominican Republic and Aruba. At the beginning of March 2024, I joined the FELIX ERC project as a postdoctoral researcher. Over the next two years I will conduct isotopic analyses of archaeological cat remains, and model this isotopic data to examine similarities and differences within cat diets across multiple regions and time periods.